H & L Trailer Sales, INC.

448 N. Broadway St.
Joshua, Tx 76058

HomeOur ServicesSingle axle UtilityTandem axle Utility HD Utility 10k & upCargo/Enclosed
Livestock/HorseCarhaulerLandscape, Dump, Hay TrailersGooseneck Flatbeds Pre-Owned

Our Heavy Duty Utility Trailers 
See a trailer you like but its not the right size, We can order what you need. Call for Pricing.

CALL FOR YOUR QUOTE TODAY 12K OR 14K  equipment utility trailer, 2 5/16” adjustable ram coupler, HD 3” square tubing rail, 5’ slide out ramps, treated floor, 5” channel tongue and frame,3” channel w/16” centers, 12k jack, 235/80/16 10ply tires onblack wheels. spare rack (Spare extra).


•2024•83x20•2-7k electric brake axles•pipetop•tool box•2-10k jacks•slide out ramps•diamond plate fenders•treated wood floor•

Stock# 1745